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Transparency and Good Government

A transparent government is a limited government. The growing influence of special interests in our state legislature has led to worse outcomes for our workers, our renters, our students, and our families in Northwest Arkansas. Reckless spending and abandonment of financial responsibility are hallmarks of our current representation in Little Rock. 

Republicans attempted to take a knife to our public records law; thankfully, hundreds of everyday Arkansas stood up to protect our right to know and won. The bipartisan victory underscored a central message we all know to be true: Arkansans believe their state government should never be allowed to shield how it spends our tax dollars. 

Not only will I be a champion for a limited and transparent state government, I will stand up to the special interest influence in the halls of our State Capitol. This campaign is powered by people not corporations – I will be your voice and always work just for you and your family.